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Since 2013, PC-Protechs has been helping home users with their critical technologies. Although we provide many businesses with an IT department resource, we continue to provide that same reliability and affordability to our home technology customers.
Shield and it’s 4 different levels allow you to pick the level of service you require to protect, manage, and support your technologies and users at home.
The customer portal allows you to see all the transactions with us regarding your tickets, estimates, and invoices.
The system tray icon has tools for you to submit a ticket to us or make quick fixes to your computer. The options are different for each plan.
If available, you can speak with our tech support team directly from your computer. Some requests may be turned into tickets to keep our staff efficient.
With our remote support tools, you can get more support for less. Remote access means no trip charges and no wasted time. Remote access is even unlimited in supported plans.
Whether you need an upgraded anti-virus solution, a managed anti-virus, data back up, or a network overhaul, PC-Protechs can help you with that.
Submit your information here and we will send you the instructions to get started. A PC-Protech technician will contact you and walk you through the setup and use process.
Thank you for keeping it local with PC-Protechs. Check out our other pages and give us an honest review. If we have not met your needs, please contact us. Thank you,
Jason B, Owner
© Copyright PC-Protechs LLC 2024